Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Rasgulla Delight

Rasgulla is one of the most popular Indian sweets savoured all over the world! In Indian restaurants, here in US, it occupies a prominent place in the dessert menu...Now, this dish Rasgulla Delight is the simplest dessert I have ever made..and believe me, people go bonkers over it! My mother-in-law had made it once, I learnt it there :)

Ingredients :

  • Rasgullas : 4 (as many as desired)
  • Vanilla Ice-cream : 1 cup (according to the
     number of Rasgullas)
  • Chocolate bar to garnish

Method :

  • Scoop up about one cup Ice-cream and let it sit outside for sometime till it melts.
  • Now, place Rasgulla (one at a time) between the palms and gently squeeze out "Ras" ie the syrup from it..Squeeze till the last drop.
  • Add these Rasgullas to the melted Ice-cream and gently give it a stir.
  • Sprinkle grated chocolate over it. Refrigerate and serve!!


  1. I took these to a potluck party n it became an instant hit!!

  2. thats so good to hear!
